Explorer 5 in the Classroom is produced by ACT360
Media Ltd.
in conjunction with Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright 1999.
All rights reserved
just have to find out! Why is grass green? Where do fruit
flies come from? What is the meaning of life? Well, don't
ask me! I'm just a monitor! You'll have to go search for your
answers on the Internet. Lucky for you, Internet Explorer
5 makes searching a snap. This crafty browser is hooked up
to nine different searching sites. Or, as Webbies would say,
"search engines". In IE5, one of these search engines is never
more than a finger-tap away.
The World Wide Web contains a huge amount of information on just
about anything and everything. There are many ways to search for
this information and IE5's Search Button makes it really easy to
find what you're seeking. All you do is type in what you're searching
for, and you'll get a list of links that will take you to the information
you want.
search for information using the Search Button:
1) Click the Search Button on the toolbar. The Search window
opens on the left side of the screen.
2) Click the Find a Web page radio button at the top. A one-line
search box appears.
3) Click in the search box and then type "classroom tutorials"
- or whatever it is you want to find.
Click the Search button. A list of possible matches appears
in the window.
5) Click on one of the matches. The Web site appears in the
main IE5 window. The list of links remains in the Search window
on the left.
6) To go to a different Web site in the list, click another
To start a new search, click the New button in the Search window.
A search
engine is a special Web site designed for people who want to find
something on the World Wide Web. There are lots of different search
engines on the Internet - and IE5 links to nine of them. These nine
search engines take turns at being the featured provider-of-the-day.

has their own personal preferences - and you may find that you prefer
one search engine over all the others. IE5 lets you choose your
favorite search engine and then use it for all searches.
change search engines:
1) Click the Customize button in the Search window. The Customize
Search Settings dialog box appears.
2) Click the radio button labeled: "Use one search service
for all searches." The Choose the Search Service drop-down box appears.
3) Click on the search engine of your choice.
4) Click OK on the Customize Search Settings dialog box.
that you do a search and then look at your list of returned links.
You click on one of the links and a Web site downloads into the
main IE5 window. The site looks pretty interesting, but it's not
exactly what you were looking for. You decide you want more information
on the same subject. IE5's Related Links feature will give you a
list of links to Web sites that are similar to the one in the main
IE5 window.
see a list of related links:
1) Make sure you have a Web site in your main IE5 window.
2) Click Tools on the Menu bar, and choose Show Related Links.
The Search window opens on the left side of the screen. Inside is
a list of related links.
3) Click on a link to visit one of the related Web sites.
The new Web site appears in the main IE5 window.
